~The Misslooked Element~

The creation of a nation starts with a bold idea but the more practical act of building a nation involves much more. It takes sweat, money, courage, lives, determination and vision to build the structures and monuments that make a people great, proud and prosperous.

Nowaday, Bisaya had a few quality of nation building element such as culture (songs, dress, dance), political power (state assemblymen, MP) and etc. but some others important things still had been mislooked. For example education and economic elements. For me, everythings comes out by the quality of education achievement. because it will influenced all the things ahead.

Education is essential for economic development and eradicating poverty. It allows people to be more productive, to play a greater role in economic life, and to earn a better living. Education also makes it possible for people to be responsible and informed citizens, and to have a voice in politics and society, which is essential for sustaining democracy. It also provides people with the knowledge and awareness needed to promote tolerance and understanding among people.

It will nuture people with brains. Politician with brains. Businessmen with brain rather than selfish stylished and fashion maniac political business minded opportunist people.


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