~ Bisaya Costume ??? ~

Hey !!!, Where in the world this man found the dress
and call it Bisaya costume ? Any idea ?

TANJAK / SUGAR : traditional Malay headwears for men in Malaya.

BLACK SUIT : seems to be the Kadazan's dress.

SELEMPANG : was it for silat or for the member of parliament ?

Anybody had done a research on this ??? please share !!!

"lebih baik tidak pandai daripada memandai-mandai"

"Fond pride of dress is sure a very curse" - Benjamin Franklin



  1. Anonymous said...
    at least he did something to bring out bisaya people to the eyes of the world...

    you? condemn your own race with your pointless posts. i damn sure no one read your cheap political posts.

    please la bos, sada rati blog tatitih kalau balik2 maparatu da ulun bisaya tokou.
    thebisayadilemma said...
    Hai Mr. Anonymous.

    Thanks for your response,

    “All good things are cheap: all bad are very dear” - Henry David Thoreau

    “In the matter of ideas the public prefer the cheap and nasty” - Charles Sanders Peirce
    Anonymous said...
    "Education is the cheap defense of nations." Edmund Burke

    i dont know who the hell Burker is but i found his quote in the web so i pasted here just like you did.

    anyway, in order to improve our bisaya nation, it's crucial to teach our kids abc & 123.

    ok bos,sehingga tokou miuma lagi
    thebisayadilemma said...
    Orait bro !,

    Nice to hear from you.

    Hopefully you'll not be Anonymous again in future. It is better to know you in person.

    Friends find comfort in what they share and delight in how they differ.

    chow... :)

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